4 Creative Considerations for Non-Profit Organizations

By : Cassidy Mitchell


At the core of VidMob is the desire to uplift non-profit organizations by arming them with access to VidMob Creative Studio platform and our expert creators in order to grow their scope and increase their meaningful, measurable impact. We achieve this through VidMob Gives, the world’s first creative services marketplace for non-profits. Using analytics tools and Intelligent Creative, we are able to identify the creative decisions that maximize the positive impact of NPOs.

We analyzed the performance of 45 non-profit paid ad accounts on Facebook and Instagram to see what works best for NPOs related to a myriad of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, from the promotion of environmental protection to anti-bullying campaigns and cancer research. These accounts included 154 ad campaigns, over 1,200 ads, and 800M impressions. Here are the creative insights we uncovered which we also discussed in our recent Good Assembly webinar:

  1. Opening the creative with a talent smiling lifted 3 second View Through Rates.
    Creatives that featured a talent smiling in the first three seconds of the video lifted 3 second view rates by 22%. A focus on talent’s positive facial expressions & sentiment at the beginning of a creative was effective to retain viewers’ attention.
  2. Click Through Rates improved when the NPO logo was displayed clearly and a website link was present.
    Showing the NPO’s logo upfront lifted CTR by 41%. Additionally, including the website link in the creative lifted CTR by 102%. This highlights that viewers are more likely to engage with an NPO’s creative when branding is clearly presented.
  3. Including instructive messaging in creative such as “learn” and “join” boosted Completion Rates and CTR.
    We observed that including the word “learn” in a creative’s call-to-action boosted Completion Rates by 250%. When a call-to-action featured the word “join,” Click Through Rates increased by 97%. Actionable messaging in creative aids in driving brand awareness and ad engagement.
  4. The duration of an ad helps you reach your ideal KPI and objective.
    Click Through Rates lifted by 21% when creatives lasted less than 10 seconds, while View Rates increased by 8% for creatives longer than 10 seconds. Based on the objectives of an NPO and their KPIs, the ideal length of an ad can help maximize an organization’s brand awareness or viewer engagement.

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